Italo Scardovi
Fisher, von Mises, Jeffreys, Neyman, Pearson and statistical inferences
Domenico Costantini
Econometric profiles of testing of statistical hypotheses: model specification tests
Mario Faliva, Maria Grazia Zoia
On Neyman-Pearson Theory: Information Content of an Experiment and a Fancy Paradox
Benito Vittorio Frosini
Approximating the exact value of an American option
Stefano Herzel
On Amato Herzel’s perequation theorem
Giampiero Landenna, Donata Marasini
The International Activities of Italian Statisticians Prior to the Second World War
Giuseppe Leti
The control of statistical hypotheses: a comparison between theories
Paola Monari
The problem of statistical estimation from Herzel to Efron: the evolution of the sampling principle
Angela Montanari
The Identification of Risk Factors: the Control of the Significance Level in Multiple Comparisons
Stefania Naddeo
Some hypothesis testing problems for categorical variables
Fortunato Pesarin
Primality deterministic and primality probabilistic tests
Alfredo Rizzi
Simultaneous transformation into interval scales for a set of categorical variables
Angelo Zanella, Gabriele Cantaluppi
Ancora non ci sono recensioni.