The robustness of the F-test to spatial autocorrelation among regression disturbances
Walter Kramer
Nonparametric density estimation of continuous part of a mixed measure
Rachid Sabre
Gini’s mean difference in the theory and application to inflated distributions
Tadeusz Gerstenkorn, Joanna Gerstenkorn
Territorio e analisi statistico-economica
Alighiero Erba
On the relationship between partial sufficiency, invariance and conditional independence
Jesús Montanero, Agustín G. Nogales, José A. Oyola, Paloma Pérez
Seasonal autoregressions with regime switching
Roberta Paroli, Luigi Spezia
Center sampling: a strategy for elusive population surveys
Fulvia Mecatti, Sonia Migliorati
L’equilibrio del campionato di calcio Serie A
Loek Groot
Il test bootstrap esterno per la ricerca di radici unitarie in presenza di outliers
Claudio Pizzi, Isabella Procidano, Silio Rigatti Luchini
Improving the power of unit root tests against fractional alternatives using bootstrap
Luisa Bisaglia, Isabella Procidano
The cointegration analysis in hypothesis of heteroschedasticity: the wild bootstrap test
Margherita Gerolimetto, Isabella Procidano
Book reviews
B.V. Frosini, Le prove statistiche nel processo civile e nel processo penale, Giuffrè, Milano, 2002
Paola Monari
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