Haiim B. Rosén: A tentative Indo-European reconstruction of some Latin pronominal functions.
Alessandra Bertocchi: Ipse as an intensifier.
Gualtiero Calboli: The parallel development of Greek and Latin: the relative pronoun and the “article”.
Tommaso Del Vecchio: Evidence for zero metrical value of interjections in Plautus.
Giovanbattista Galdi: Reflexive and possessive pronouns in Greek and Latin inscriptions of the Empire (Moesia Inferior).
Jószef Herman: Morphologie pronominale et évolution syntaxique: remarques sur la formation des formes “vulgaires” de ille.
Mirka Maraldi: Some remarks on latin free-choice indefinites.
Piera Molinelli: Sequence of tenses and mood selection in Late Latin.
Anna Orlandini: Les pronoms indéfinis et la négation.
Hannah Rosén: On pro-nouns, pro-verbs and pro-sentences in Latin.
Ancora non ci sono recensioni.