Raffaella Picello currently teaches English for Specific Purposes with a focus on the visual arts at Ca’ Foscari University and IUAV. She has undertaken research at the Warburg Institute of the University of London and holds a PhD in Cultural Heritage as well as in History of Contemporary Art. She has collaborated with the Civic Museums of Ferrara, where she acquired the necessary skills to operate in curatorial and cultural heritage contexts. She has published several educational textbooks including Understanding Heritage (2016), English for Architecture (2020), Access to the Humanities English for Students of History, Philosophy and the Visual Arts (2019), CLIL History of Art. Interdisciplinary resources for subject and language teachers (2016, 2018), Vorticismo. Londra 1912-1915. Storia dell’avanguardia antagonista del Futurismo (2010), English Through Art. The Language of the Visual Arts, Advertising, Cinema and Design, 2007.
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