Estimating variances and covariances in a censored regression model
Giorgio Calzolari, Gabriele Fiorentini
A double-hurdle labour supply model with fallible indicators of labour force state
Enrico Rettore, Ugo Trivellato
Institutional constraints on the working week length, fixed costs and female labour supply
Enrico Rettore
Measurement error and the estimation of gross flows from longitudinal economic data
Chris Skinner, Nicola Torelli
Labour force behaviour of older men the USA: an analysis of recent trends
Franco Peracchi, Finis Welch
Turnover costs in Italy: some preliminary evidence
Andrea Gavosto, Paolo Sestito
Estimated fixed effect binary choice models with long panels: a practical approach to the conditional logit model
Gianna Claudia Giannelli, John Micklewright
Alternative approaches to modelling individual transitions: the labour force participation of the wives of unemployed men in the UK
Stephen Pudney, Jonathan Thomas
The transition from school to working life: a longitudinal approach
Giulio Ghellini, Silvio Lauro, Achille Lemmi, Andrea Regoli
Indicatori di efficienza ed efficacia per la valutazione dell’attività di formazione professionale
Enrico Gori, Fabrizia Mealli, Carla Rampichini
Evaluating the effectiveness of employment programs: can existing statistical methods be applied to the italian labour market and institutional context?
Angela Martini
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